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Armenian Rose

My Armenian father's mother was Rosa. She and her two sons traveled from Turkey to America to join her husband in Richmond, VA. She was blessed with an education that enabled her to be multi-lingual. Her exceedingly strong Christian faith successfully fortified her for learning yet another language, English, as well as learning all the new ways and laws of her and her family's new home and country -America!

When one realizes the courage and conquering of fears on a daily basis, that every person coming to America has had to endure and process deeply within themselves, we who were born in America, owe them a great debt. Our experience of living in a free country was only possible because of decisions made by them and all those who preceded them in coming to America, to be free. Because most Americans came to our shores as immigrants, I believe that in every American family, there is a Rose to be celebrated! On my father's side of the family, mine was Armenian.

Armenian Rose
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